Research Research

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Research Areas


•      Developmental and experimental psychopathology of schizophrenia and related disorders

–     Trajectories of  psychotic-like experiences or specific traits for psychosis

–     Negative symptoms and functioning

–     Self impairments

–     Emotional and motivational dysregulation

–     Neurocognitive and underlying brain structure and functional impairments

•      Early identification of  high risk individual prone for psychosis

–     Endophenotypes approach

–     Gene-brain mapping approach

–     Developmental trajectories of neurocognitive, emotional and psychosocial functioning

•      Neurocognition and social cognition evaluation and intervention

–     Prospective memory and working memory

–     Emotional and social interactive functioning

–     Empathy, Theory of mind, and perspective taking

•      The Seamless Mental-health International League (SMILE)


Methodological Approaches

•      Endophenotypes

–     Identifiable sets on cool and hot components

•      Behavioural

–     Self- and informant-reported checklists

–     Computer and neuropsychological tests

–     Neurophysiological data: Biopac measures

•      ERP

–     Comparing ERP paradigms

•      Neuroimaging

–     Structural connectivity: DTI

–     Functional connectivity: Resting-state and fMRI

–     Intervention: Real-time imaging

–     Gene-Brain Mapping

–     Genetic association and/or GWAS

–     Across species paradigms