Joining the Lab Joining the Lab

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Joining the lab

Information for prospective postdoctoral fellows

If you are interested in finding a postdoctoral position or visitingour lab, please write to Raymond Chandirectly ( or

Information for prospective postgraduatestudents (local and foreign)

If you find yourself very interested in exploring the brain-behaviour relationship using various methods of neuropsychological approach, cognitive neuroscience, as well as social psychology, you are most welcome to approach our lab. There are ample opportunities for you to engage in various types of projects ranging from healthy subjects to clinical patients. Multidisciplinary approach is emphasized in our lab.

Information for prospective student helpers

If you are still anundergraduate with specialized field in psychology, life science, computer science, and medical science, and are interested in exploring your brain-behaviour relationship, you are most welcome to approach the NACN lab as student helpers. Please write to Raymond Chan directly ( or